books and blogs

The following are book recommendations and articles we hope can assist with instilling creativity, confidence, resiliency and a positive attitude in children.

Friends make the world a better place!

Friendships assist children in developing important life skills such as interacting with others, resolving conflicts and problem-solving. Children who learn these skills are less likely to experience social and emotional problems later in life.

Parents are the first teachers of their children and it’s crucial for us to keep our kids enthusiastic about learning. See below for inspiring posts with encouraging words and insights into how you can keep your child’s motivation to learn alive.

Children’s feelings can be very big and confusing for them.

We, as parents and caregivers, are responsible for teaching them to identify and work through their ever-changing emotions and equip them with the tools needed to do this.

Be present!

All we have control over is the present moment. It is so beneficial to teach our children to focus on the here and now, accept and learn from the past and not let the worry of the future steal from the present moment.

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It is vital to have a positive self-image, self-esteem and self-love. How we view ourselves influences how we think, feel and act.

We want our children to be able to take pride in themselves giving them the confidence they need to face the challenges and insecurities that they may encounter in life.

Resiliency is so important and necessary to instill in our children!

We are constantly amazed by just how innately resilient little ones can be. However, this is also an important learned life skill for them to practice. As parents and caregivers, we can definitely help foster resilience in our kids.

All good deeds have ripples that spread far and wide.

Even the smallest acts of kindness (i.e. a smile) can have a great and lasting impact. It is so important to teach our children this and how to think beyond themselves.

There is so much to be grateful for!

Your thoughts, mood and behavior can all be transformed by practicing gratitude regularly. As parents, this is something very important to teach and encourage in our children.


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