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make your own MAGIC

make your own MAGIC

You hear parents say it all the time, but my son, who recently turned 7 and daughter who just became a 3 year old, have completely different personalities, interests and talents. The girl one is very much a do-er while her brother is a thinker. She is agile and fearless and he is contemplative and clumsy. He began to read at around 2 and a half years old and she… um… knows most of her ABC’s. Okay, that last part could be the parents… second child and all…teehee.

Still, every child is unique and with that uniqueness comes a magic that each brings to the world. And while they march to the beat of their own drum, it is important to help children identify and cultivate their unique abilities, strengths, challenges and personalities.

finding the magic within

As we watch our little ones grow and develop, we begin to notice their unique preferences or skills. Some children may love playing princesses while others may prefer tag or hide-and-go-seek. Some may be artistically inclined with a paint brush while others excel at puzzles or sports. You are witnessing the rise of your child’s unique personality and skill set.

It’s our job as parents to facilitate their talents and encourage their dreams. We are also needed to guide and direct as our children follow their path, fall off their path or deviate from their current path. It is important to help reign in our children’s interests if they begin to flip from one to the other but we must also expose them to many different activities that may pique unknown interests. Although my son is more interested in books and piano, both of which we encourage and facilitate, we also have him in soccer and plan to enroll him into Martial Arts this year. Introducing and having him experience things outside of his comfort zone, has come with many rewards as well as challenges. The benefits however outweigh the difficulties because we are given so many opportunities to learn and teach. For some examples of these opportunities please see my previous blog posts mistakes are for LEARNING which illustrates instilling grit and we rise by lifting others up where I talk about teamwork and empathy.

Through these programs we are also given glimpses of the traits that shine from our son. He is a wonderful supporter and takes joy in the victories of others and is also very empathetic when others are injured or in distress. I’m not quite sure how these will translate into adulthood, but am proud of him for the way he is. As our children grow into their unique selves we must celebrate their victories and accomplishments while always praising who they are apart from what they do. Avoid criticism when they do fail or make mistakes – simply be present to discuss and troubleshoot any issues they may run into. Ultimately, your child will better discover his or her unique magic by succeeding but also by falling down and getting back up again.

we are different, we are the same

We live in a time where self-entitlement seems to run rampant among all age groups. Some parents may fear that praise and encouragement may have a negative effect on their child’s personality.

This is why in the journey of discovering uniqueness we must also teach our children diversity and how to respect and celebrate the differences of all people. This will help them realize that we all possess that magic that makes us so special.

People of different skin colors have unique physical traits. Different ethnic groups have different hair types that make them unique. Certain cultures foster certain talents such as cooking, dancing or handcrafting. Even music from different parts of the world possesses its own magic.

magical children’s books

Unlock your child's potential with these enchanting stories that celebrate individuality and self-discovery. Through characters who learn to identify and cultivate their unique abilities, strengths, and personalities, these books teach young readers to make their own magic and embrace their true selves.

share the magic

As important as it is to teach our children how to recognize their own magic, they need to know that it is equally important to share that magic with the world. Uniqueness is not a trait to be coveted and withheld. Our children need to let their magic shine in order to make their mark on the world.

We all have a purpose and a path plotted by our uniqueness and illuminated by our magic. Let’s help our children find theirs!

coloring fun

Please enjoy this free Tot Tails coloring page to help share this message with your child.

share with us

We would love to hear your experiences and advice on teaching your children to share their magic. Are there any books or resources you feel can help? Thanks so much for reading and feel free to comment below!

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