let your light SHINE

let your light SHINE

We take great care to teach our children to be humble. We want them to be good sports when they lose, and to learn at their own pace without concerns of being smarter than others. Yet at the same time, we want to raise our kids so that they never give up, and work hard

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CHEER yourself on

CHEER yourself on

Everyone has a little voice in their head, constantly telling us what we think and feel about the world. That voice isn’t just a steady internal monologue, it can actually end up being a snapshot of our mental health. Our internal voices are with us more than any outside person, and if that constant mental

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being yourself is your SUPERPOWER

being yourself is your SUPERPOWER

In today’s society, it’s easy to want to be like a movie star, a musician, a superhero, so on and so on. It’s great to have role models and aspirations, however, it’s more priceless to be unique and showcase your individuality. Truly loving yourself, being confident, and having a growth mindset can help to form

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“Why am I afraid to tell you who I am? I am afraid to tell you who I am, because, if I tell you who I am, you may not like who I am, and it’s all that I have.” –Author John Powell For the child perfectionist, just learning the alphabet can be an ordeal.

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decide to RISE

decide to RISE

Imagine a chubby little boy growing up in a time when not many people were overweight. Imagine being in constant poor health, shut away from your friends and peers, unable to run and play like other boys do. For many kids in this situation, being cut off from a normal childhood would result in mental

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choose HAPPY

choose HAPPY

It’s easier said than done. “Just choose to be happy.” Your toddler is having a meltdown every five minutes, you’re overwhelmed by the never-ending pile of laundry, or your child has a project due…tomorrow! Life can be stressful and we all go through our own moments of bumps in the road. It is so incredibly

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don’t stop dreaming when you wake up

don’t stop dreaming when you wake up

“I want to be an actress!” The beaming smile on your daughter’s face as she makes this announcement is one of absolute confidence. As a parent hearing this, however, you may have conflicting feelings. The odds of making it big in Hollywood aren’t exactly high, after all. Before you suggest your daughter seek out a

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focus on the GOOD

focus on the GOOD

Focusing on the good can be difficult at times. Many of us have had our fair share of pessimistic moments. In fact, according to an article about Negativity Bias, we are hard wired to notice and dwell on negative experiences because “negative events have a greater impact on our brains than positive ones.”  However, it’s

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“Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.” – Albert Einstein For many of us, Albert Einstein is revered as a genius who changed the world with his advanced theories. Yet despite his incredible intelligence, he was labeled as mentally retarded by his teacher. According to him, Albert Einstein was

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“i can’t do it”… YET!

“i can’t do it”… YET!

For only having 3 letters, “YET” is a very powerful word that encourages the development of a growth mindset which, for children, is especially important. A growth mindset is when our train of thoughts allow us to accept that we can grow with time and experience. Having a growth mindset means that we equate success

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What will today hold for you? Do you wake up in the morning carrying the baggage from the previous day or do you try to start the day as a new beginning? How we approach the coming day affects our attitude, and how we will view the things that happen to us.  Dwelling on past

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